

Hall of mirrors

This room that lead us to the galery overlooking the Borne square takes its name from the twelve Luis XVI little mirrors. In front of each one there are a couple of candles to give more light to the space.

The chest of drawers on both sides of the room belong to Luis XV and XVI styles and the big mirrors to Luis XVI’. The little seats and the setees are from luis XV style, all of them are upholstered with gold, tissue and net.


Dining room

The mahogany table is Elizabethan style.

The walls are decorated with eleven illustrations pictures and at the end of the room there are two rocking chairs and a 1900’s radio.


Chimney chambre

This room is completely dedicated to the family portraits. Between them, there’s one of Don Pedro Martorell yde Olives who ordered the actual palace construction and a little one of Almirante Farragut. On the right side up on the end of the room, we can have a look to the actual owner of the palace Don Carlos de Salort y de Olives, dressed up with the tipical suit of San Juan,festival of Ciutadella.

The picture on the ceiling represents to Victory. All the seats of the room are made with mahogany wood and in the Queen Elñizabeth Style, upholstered with red damask.

Journey through the different details of the 17th century

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